By a series of measures aimed at encouraging companies’ access to alternative sources of funding in relation to the banking channel, the legislator has expanded the opportunities for recourse to the debt market for the Italian non-listed companies, including small and medium size, by the issuance of short-term debt instruments (commercial papers), participatory subordinated bonds and similar securities (so-called minibond). As a result of the new provisions definitional boundaries of the various types of bonds are blurred and sometimes overlapped, with the inevitable uncertainties about the legal regime applicable and the risks of its circumvention. The purpose of this article is to “restore order” in the new regulatory framework in ...
This paper addresses the crisis of over-indebtedness by outlining the current framework and outlook ...
Non pecuniary interest in obligations and contractual bonds Obligatio est iuris vinculum, quo neces...
Banks are a «special status entities» that are regulated by a specific law (the Legislative Decree n...
By a series of measures aimed at encouraging companies’ access to alternative sources of funding in ...
The decree for the “Development” (d.l. June 22, 2012, n. 83) has outlined a new and uniform rules fo...
2017 - 2018The thesis deals with the issue of banking conventions in wortkout agreements aimed at re...
Il lavoro affronta le problematiche emerse per gli obbligazionisti subordinati a seguito dall'applic...
The Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on credit servicers, cred...
Fra le novità apportate dalla miniriforma ex D.L. 27 giugno 2015, n. 83, con-vertito in L. 6 agosto ...
The research concerns the limits on contractual freedom in corporate bonds issues pursuant to the r...
This paper focuses on the perspective role of Mutual Loan-Guarantee Consortia (MLGC) in mitigating c...
The work deals with the latest italian bankruptcy legislation for individuals, paying particular at...
The paper deals with the "banche popolari" italian law reform (decree-law n. 3/2015 converted into l...
I consorzi di garanzia collettiva dei fidi (Confidi) costituiscono un fenomeno di assoluto rilievo i...
Abstract This paper concerns the question whether legal rules are important for the health of the m...
This paper addresses the crisis of over-indebtedness by outlining the current framework and outlook ...
Non pecuniary interest in obligations and contractual bonds Obligatio est iuris vinculum, quo neces...
Banks are a «special status entities» that are regulated by a specific law (the Legislative Decree n...
By a series of measures aimed at encouraging companies’ access to alternative sources of funding in ...
The decree for the “Development” (d.l. June 22, 2012, n. 83) has outlined a new and uniform rules fo...
2017 - 2018The thesis deals with the issue of banking conventions in wortkout agreements aimed at re...
Il lavoro affronta le problematiche emerse per gli obbligazionisti subordinati a seguito dall'applic...
The Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on credit servicers, cred...
Fra le novità apportate dalla miniriforma ex D.L. 27 giugno 2015, n. 83, con-vertito in L. 6 agosto ...
The research concerns the limits on contractual freedom in corporate bonds issues pursuant to the r...
This paper focuses on the perspective role of Mutual Loan-Guarantee Consortia (MLGC) in mitigating c...
The work deals with the latest italian bankruptcy legislation for individuals, paying particular at...
The paper deals with the "banche popolari" italian law reform (decree-law n. 3/2015 converted into l...
I consorzi di garanzia collettiva dei fidi (Confidi) costituiscono un fenomeno di assoluto rilievo i...
Abstract This paper concerns the question whether legal rules are important for the health of the m...
This paper addresses the crisis of over-indebtedness by outlining the current framework and outlook ...
Non pecuniary interest in obligations and contractual bonds Obligatio est iuris vinculum, quo neces...
Banks are a «special status entities» that are regulated by a specific law (the Legislative Decree n...